
Reverse phone number lookups

Looking for a good reverse phone number lookup engine, I came across a lot of sites, most of them are linked to the same shitty databases with only a few business and people’s adresses found on the official yellow pages of the countries…
This idea was motivated by me receiving by mistake an SMS from an unknown cell phone and trying to know who it was.
I just succeded to know from the number that it is a person from Montreal with Rogers as provider.

A few meta-engines seems interesting as they provide a service across several countries, several DBs and several search methods (names, addresses, numbers..)

The best directory of “people” search engines is here:

However I think we are really missing a good one without tons of ads. And a good meta-engine

One of the engines told me it has address and name information for this number but I have to pay 13 Us$ for this info… they claim it’s verified but I did not pay, I cannot trust them at all:

Apparently it is a serious company at is is sponsoring the people search on the US

Websites for Europe would be totally different, and probably with less information as databases are less public than in America. Keep in mind that many sites are only copies of others, it is important to find the “source”.

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